【お店情報】English in below. /中文在下方
Google Map link (Click)
・漁協食堂 3/12より営業再開
・らーめんだっち キッチンカー営業開始
・まんすやー お弁当屋営業開始
・重どんどん 営業開始
【Shops Information】
We have listed the restaurants and shops on Yonaguni Island on Google Maps. You can find more information using the following link: Google Map link (Click)
We recommend having lunch between 11:30 AM and 1:30 PM. Please ensure you have enough time for lunch, as some shops may close irregularly. For more information, please check the shop’s Instagram or call ahead.
我們利用Google Map 整理出與那國島的用餐地點以及商店,更多資訊請參考Google Map 連結。(點擊)